A political party called “KOOS points to sovereignty” was entered in the register of Estonian parties on 08.05.2023.
The KOOS says:
• Ensuring the life and well-being of every inhabitant of Estonia.
• Respect for individual freedoms and civil rights.
• Preservation of the traditional family model.
• Support for freedom of the press and freedom to choose sources of information.
• Respect for the rights and obligations established by the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia.
Party member
A capable Estonian citizen who has reached the age of 18 can be a party member. A capable citizen of the European Union who has reached the age of 18 and who permanently resides in Estonia can also be a party member. You can only be a member of one political party registered in Estonia at the same time.
You can support the KOOS political party through a donation.
RECIPIENT: KOOS organisatsioon osutab suveräänsusele
ACCOUNT: EE500200020000007821
EXPLANATION: Annetus, first name, last name, personal identification code
The law does not allow political parties to accept donations without a name and personal identification number. Donations can only be made by individuals.
Thank you for support!